Bond... Jane Bond...

You notice that your honey is acting a little sketchy when it comes to his cell phone and it causes you to raise a brow whenever the phone that used to ring is suddenly vibrating... Hmmm... He looks at it, ignores it, and keeps on doing whatever he was doing. Meanwhile, in the back of your mind, you want to know who the *bleep* it was! Moments after that, he gets a text message. It seems like he has his phone on an angle that you purposely can't see who it's from or what the message says. Maybe it's coincidental... Maybe it's not... Maybe it's from the harlot that just called and now she's texting him to see why he didn't answer his phone. And to top it all off, it's about 11 at night... (I can see all of the eye rolling and neck snapping... LOL)
So, do you get your 007-Jane Bond on and check the phone while he's in the shower or asleep do you just ask him who the *bleep* it was?
Or are you a gal that doesn't get suspicious and thinks that checking the phone is a total invasion of privacy?
Let me know! (Take the poll at the bottom of the page and leave your comment here)
Labels: That better be your mother...
HONEY!!! You know what I would do. First off, if I think he's being sneaky then he most likely is. My cheatdar (lol) is not that far off. So if we are in a committed relationship this type of ish is not acceptable. Now if we're just "friends" then do you. Some jumpoffs do get out of line like they're the main chick. lol. But what I need to know is what is all the secrets about? If it's you're friend then why can't I know who it is. Especially at that time of night. I prob wouldn't think like that if it was in the middle of the day. Overall, it comes down to the fact that you can never really trust a ninja. YOu think you know em' then they drop the funk flex bomb on that ass!!! lol. I'm not a pessimist, just a realist. Take it for what it is. Never put anything past anybody, especially a man. Ok, I'm done going in. Thank you and have a good night :-)
And another thing, If I get to the point where I even feel like I gotta check his phone, the relationship is over. I don't have time nor will I make any for that nonsense. I detest games and I won't stand for them being played with me. I won't check his phone, he better not check mine. There are other ways to get back at a man anyway. But I digress...
I am not a gal but woman lately presume that all men are guilty. It seems like instead of a relationship we on trial. Men are simple especially when it comes to relationships. Everything that a woman wants a man wants but the diffrence is women put restraints on what they feel should be a relationship between people of the opposite sex. And its simple (I don't like that bitch ) so even if the man has nothing to hide we avoid confrontation and keep women and people at bay that we feel have bad intentions. But sometimes for a man who cares and loves his woman does not get the just do because out of all the right in a realtionship its going to always be that one friday night when yall out wit ya girls and it goes...( You aint going to believe what this mother fuck done did...) And if you find that your mate is cheating or you find out he is not what then? ...
Well Mr. put a twist on it...but let me just reply to the blog real quick...then imma get at you!
Sooooo yea...about the phone checking...i'm wit deandra. I think if that is something that you feel you gotta do..there is a problem. Funny thing is...i'm not a phone personally..but i have participated in "phone/message checking" with one of my best does that make me a phone checker??? I think not. It's not something I would do. If i'm suspicious...let's get to the bottom of that suspicion.
FIRST OF ALL...mine or his phone should NOT be ringing after 9pm unless it's an emergency or unless you are a close friend...or unless ur me calling Eb (lol) really it's all about the boundaries YOU AS A FAMILY SET.
Communication is key ppl.
Now, Mr. Griffin.....
So to answer your question what's next if cheating is going on??? Well then that's up to the ppl in the relationship. NOT UR BOYS OR UR GIRLS...NOT UR MOM OR UR DAD..OR ANYONE ELSE IN THE FAMILY...or professional counselors for that matter. If it's a marriage then the couple should figure out what's really important in their relationship and find out why the cheating occurred in the first place...then fix it. If you try and you fail and you feel like it can't be fixed...cut your losses and move on.
If it's simply an exclusive relationship and there are no vows involved...then you.
Well.........I must say that I agree with Deandra too....the chaetdar does go up and it is almost postive most of the time. Once you start phone check ing then your trust goes out the door. MR.Griffin you are correct men are simple but most of the time you guys are so simple that you never realize when a chick is coming on to you. By the time men figure it out our BITCHWANTMYMAN radar already confirmed it. By all means there is nothing wrong with conversing with other woman but know the boundaries.
To answer your question whats next depends on the person the type of person you are..... CAN CHEATING BE FORGIVEN? or in case you were not cheating CAN YOU EVER TRUST THE PHONE CHECKER AGAIN? I guess that becomes a discussion in it own...I know personally once you check the phone then you are going to keep checking even when you dont find anything....because the trust is gone!!
FEEL ME.......
Hell yes!!! It make you a phone checker (bitchwantmymanradar) now that is some funny shit lmao. But both men and women do it when it comes to who is the other talking to but here is anotha twist what if you don't care now you become a subject of a whole new thesis( he don't even care who I talk to!!) but should we if you talking that shit to a person obviously you like what that other is putting down so you oblidge yourself to pick up. All points that where made are valid but like I said restrictions persons can not call after 9pm your radar up my question to all is why fuck wit a nigga a man ya boo ya lover and allow the bull shit to kp going on ? The phrase people use (its cheaper to keep her) is true when you have women that allow the bull shit like dat to continue instead of saying bitch want my man radar how about you move on to a real man who is commmited to these three things GOD, Family, and Community. A man who does not play games but is the coach... fuck dat he own the team. What we all need is a nigga wit drive and a dream not a plan and scheme (brooklyn son)
Nigga! First of all jay....U aint supposed to be in on this blog anyway so unless u consider urself a part of "GIRLfriends and Ganache" get yo ass off this blog! LOL...u kno i love u! but for real...leave us alone!
Oh so now a nigga can't get a word in !! See that's what I'm talking about I'm just being an advocate for all these dudes that can't see the way we are potrayed about the doings of boys playing games in a mans world. I aint for all niggas but I kno this nigga here aint perfect but I keep it 100 when niggas is still playing with change. And p.s. Its all love ... And who doing threesoms?... My badd wrong blog
threesomes??? that's funny mr. griffin! no but for real i just told ur wife that it is cool to get a male side so she need to invite more so we can dialogue and try to understand each i aint tryna kick u off...(smile)
I personally agree with DeAndra. If you start to act in a way that causes me to wonder and our relationship doesn't allow the light question of "hey.. are you hiding something".. then it's quittin' time :(
Like your label says....Dude! "That better be your momma"....LOL!
I don't play those games...especially if he is my hubby. (Don't have one yet though)
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