I Cheat Because...

I had a conversation with some people yesterday about why people cheat and a gentleman in the group says, "I cheat because I like to be in a relationship with a woman that's corny, not into much and not too freaky because if she's doing me like a porn star, all willing to do whatever, I'm sure I'm not the only one that she's doing like that PLUS I'd be looking at her differently, almost like my flower was defiled. So I cheat on the good corny girl with the freak".
So I asked, "If she were your wife, would you still feel the same way?" He paused and thought about it and finally he said, "Probably". Okay, I have a few problems with this. First of all, that has to be the lamest reason that I ever heard as to why a man does what he does. This is what I believe: I believe men cheat for 2 reasons: 1. Because they want to and 2. Because they can. Now there are a million reasons they may give as to why they do it like: 1. I wasn't getting what I needed at home 2. I was seduced 3. It just happened. But ultimately it's because he could (and the men that I asked about that all agree). Now, women cheat for different reasons that are tied to some emotional explanation, but at any rate... Another friend of mine believes that dude must have gotten played and hurt one too many times by the "freak". Well that's what happens when you keep trying to turn a _____ into a housewife. I don't care for that cliche', but I'll be if it ain't true. But, I digress.
Secondly my friend, you already came in the relationshsip with the intent to cheat!!! You can't even use an excuse at that point. You courted the corny girl on purpose just to say that her uber-corniness in the bed was the reason that you cheated. You didn't even give her a chance to prove you wrong.
Another thing, you should know that if you're not taking care of her somebody will (if she's willing to let them) and from his own admission she has that "go both ways potential". Listen, I am not here to judge I'm just putting some things out there for him to consider. They're supposed to be getting married soon and it would be bad business if you look up after the nuptials and little mama is sliding off with another little mama. Keep playing. This girl is already making mental notes and you can appreciate that she's on to you baby! Even if she doesn't know for sure that he's skating, she has a feeling. And guess what, if that's your wife, you better do helicopter man before she's playing it with some next dude AND his chick! LOL.
Anyway, I'm off of my soap box for now! Please feel free to add your take on it.
Labels: Cheating, Relationships and Marriage
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