Girlfriends and Ganache

Spilling the tea honey!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bond... Jane Bond...

You notice that your honey is acting a little sketchy when it comes to his cell phone and it causes you to raise a brow whenever the phone that used to ring is suddenly vibrating... Hmmm... He looks at it, ignores it, and keeps on doing whatever he was doing. Meanwhile, in the back of your mind, you want to know who the *bleep* it was! Moments after that, he gets a text message. It seems like he has his phone on an angle that you purposely can't see who it's from or what the message says. Maybe it's coincidental... Maybe it's not... Maybe it's from the harlot that just called and now she's texting him to see why he didn't answer his phone. And to top it all off, it's about 11 at night... (I can see all of the eye rolling and neck snapping... LOL)

So, do you get your 007-Jane Bond on and check the phone while he's in the shower or asleep do you just ask him who the *bleep* it was?
Or are you a gal that doesn't get suspicious and thinks that checking the phone is a total invasion of privacy?
Let me know! (Take the poll at the bottom of the page and leave your comment here)


Friday, August 22, 2008

Welcome Darling!

I am so glad you're here! Now, we can dish in the privacy of our own blog!

Obviously, we all love a great wedding and happy endings. But let's spill the tea about the other goings on. Like the relationship... People tend to glaze over the marriage and focus on the wedding and when they look up, they can't stand each other.

~So, would you tell a friend not to marry a guy that's not treating her as nicely as he can (in other words, he's cheating on her or abusing her and all around he's a prick)?

~Or are people getting married for convenience and not love? (namely "shotgun weddings" or marrying for status)

~Is marriage still on the TTD list for alot of people anymore?

~What about sex? (dot, dot, dot)

Overall, I'm here to dish advice about events and chat a bit with you all. Let me know what you want to know and I want to know what's on your mind as well; whether you're a bride and you just need to vent or we're friends in our heads that talk about girl stuff!!
