Can Men & Women Really Just Be Friends?
Or should I ask, when you are in a relationship, are friendships with people of the opposite sex possible? To this question, I think there are many answers. You know I have a few answers for this one myself...
Personally, I think that it is possible, however there are exceptions. If you've been friends with someone for a while and they were around when you and your honey got together, I think in an instance like that, it's cool. As long as they respect your space. What I mean by that is, where it used to be ok to call at midnight, that really can't happen anymore. I don't care who you are, your honey is going to feel some type of way if the phone is ringing at that time and it's not your Dad or brother. I have friends whom I've known for years, but when Jay and I got together, we remained friends, but there was an unsaid shift that happened in those relationships. Not that there was anything sketchy going on, nor was I ever romantically invloved with any of them, they just respected the new situation I was in and never took it personally when we only spoke a few times a year. Now if you and old boy was freakin each other, then that may change things. Your honey may not be so cool with that one.
But, what about the people you meet after you're already in a relationship. I think those are the ones that are particularly exceptional. I think you have to use your God-given instinct to gauge the intentions of the other person. I think we all have that thing that lets us know if someone wants to be your "friend" for another reason and I think we are able to say the same when it comes to the person that we are with. I think sometimes through situations like work and school, you meet people and build platonic relationships, but there are definitely times where it may start out that way and when you're good and comfortable with that person, they slide right on into your personal space where you're getting a text at midnight that reads, "What are you doing?" Then you say, "I'm in the bed". Enough said...
What do you think?
Labels: Friendships